International Opportunities for 2021 - August Closing Dates


We have 4 amazing International opportunities coming up for 2021. These opportunities cover Older Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Young Leaders, Scout Network and adult volunteers.

We have tried to put them side by side below, so that you can easily compare these.

But, don't take long, as closing dates across all four are over the next 4 weeks or so (and are also only available until they fill up).

If you have any further questions, please E-mail the ACC (International) Jools Sore on [email protected].

European Jamboree 2021 Team Members

Sections: Older Scouts & Explorers

Age Range: DOB between 03/08/2003 to 31/12/2007

Dates: 31/07/2021 to 15/08/2021

Destination: Gdansk, Poland

Travel Mode: Coach

Aim: To attend the European Jamboree, take part in loads of activities whilst mixing with thousands of Scouts from across Europe.

Cost: £1,445

Apply: Using application form - See

Spaces available: Approx. 16

Processing order: Order received subject to references

Closing date: 30th August 2020 / Until Full

European Jamboree 2021 IST

Sections: Older Explorers, Network & Leaders

Age Range: DOB before 29/07/2003

Dates: Be on site for 01/08/2021 to 13/08/2021

Destination: Gdansk, Poland

Travel Mode: Up to you

Aim: To attend the European Jamboree, take part in loads of activities whilst mixing with thousands of Scouts from across Europe.

Cost: £245 plus your cost to travel to Gdansk, Insurance and any extra’s

Apply: Using application form - See

Spaces available: No set limit

Processing order: Order received subject to references

Closing date: 15th August 2020

Explorer Belt 2021 Team Members

Sections: Older Explorers & Network

Age Range: Aged between 16-25 on 5th July 2021

Dates: 03/07/2021 – 18/07/2021

Destination: Europe – Team Decides

Travel Mode: Probably Flying, but depends on destination

Aim: To complete the Top Award Explorer Belt, by undertaking a 10 day expedition exploring an unknown Country.

Cost: £600 - £950

Apply: Using application form - See

Spaces available: 24

Processing order: Order received subject to references

Closing date: 30th August 2020 / Until Full

Suisse Adventure Team Members

Sections: Older Explorers, Network & Leaders

Age Range: Aged 14 to 25 in August 2021

Dates: 07/08/21 to 22/08/21

Destination: Kandersteg, Switzerland

Travel Mode: Coach

Aim: To visit Kandersteg in Switzerland to undertake a wide range of activities in the Swiss Mountains.

Cost: Base of £875 including a range of activities.  Some activities are extra.

Apply: Email your interest to [email protected]
or see

Spaces available: Limited Spaces

Processing order: Order received

Closing date: Until Full

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