The 2018 membership fees have been confirmed by the County Executive.
These are:
So, HQ and County £37.70 per young person
NOTE; Fees ONLY apply to members up to and including Explorer Scout age.
You will be able to access the guidance notes, parents’ letter and the ethnicity & additional needs form on the Census system ( from week beginning 18 December.
Passwords and login details have been sent by Scout HQ - as of 5th Jan.
Please look in your Spam / Clutter folders first - but then enquire at the Scout Information Centre.
Census administrators are strongly encouraged to complete the Census directly on the system rather than using a paper process.
Census Date: 31st January.
Latest date for Completion of District Census: Weds 21st February.
Therefore, Districts will set a date before this for groups to complete their census input.
County invoices to Districts: Monday 12th March.
Latest date for payment to County: 9am, Monday 7th April.