Active Support Units

Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to the Scouts on a flexible basis. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader.
The Active Support Units currently operating in Hampshire are listed below, include our activity clubs and activity training teams. To find out more about any of the units, and how you can get involved, please click on the links below.

Hampshire Scout Expeditions

HSX, Hampshire Scout Expeditions, is a Hampshire-based Scout group that specialises in running international expeditions for Hampshire Scouts.

Hampshire Scouts In Hospitals

The aim of Hampshire Scouts in Hospitals is to bring Scouting activities into hospitals across Hampshire for young patients and their families.

Hampshire Scout Archery Club

Hampshire Scout Archery Club (HSAC) exists for those members of the Scouts who wish to take their interest in archery a little further.

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club

Hampshire Scout Rifle Club provides air rifle shooting for Scout Groups and Explorer Scouts in the County. They are also able to provide training for adults who wish to lead shooting activities for Scouts.

Hampshire Scout Mountaineering Team

HSMT’s objective is to provide training and practical experience so that aspirant hill-walking and climbing leaders may safely and enjoyably lead and supervise mountaineering activities for the benefit of young (and not so young!) people.

Hampshire Scouts Heritage

The Heritage Team aims to assist in the conservation of historic information and record events for future generations of Hampshire Scouts.

Pro-Badge Scout Training

Pro-Badge is an Activity Badge Training Scheme, which utilises the resources of the Solent Scout Training Centre at Lyons Copse. The scheme provides training for badges that require predominantly outdoor Scouting activity or natural resources.


If you are young, active and ready for front line action, or a little more mature and good at management, radio communications or looking to help others, then enjoy the involvement in Spearhead and help oil the wheels of major county events, district pursuits or group activities.

Kaira Konko Scout Active Support

The Kaira Konko Scout Active Support Group was set up to provide ongoing support for the Kaira Konko project and to look at long-term objectives.
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