A review of the County six months accounts to 30 June 2022 indicates that in overall terms income is broadly on budget. Expenditure is in overall terms considerably less than budget with the result that the six months results reveal a surplus of income over expenditure of just over £52,000.
The major reductions in expenditure are as a result of staff costs being less than anticipated (due in no small part to problems in recruiting) and expenditure of premises repairs and renewals at Ferny Crofts being less budget. It is expected that in overall terms expenditure will move back towards budget in the second six months of the year and it is hoped that income levels for the second six months will reach or budget.
A full review if the year to 31 December 2022 will follow in due course.
When Paul Bell asked me to become his Deputy and responsible for the East of the County, it was a surprise and an honour. We have hit the ground running as we look at all aspects of the County. The County Commissioner has set out thoughts and plans for Hampshire over the next few years. This will include all the changes that will come down from Headquarters, which should help us all in the Roles that we have, to encourage others to take on more responsibility and help us to welcome others to join the movement and as Paul tells us to have fun.
Paul’s plan to create an even better Hampshire Scout County, to encourage us all to shout about the great activities that are put on for the youth right across the County. Please send reports and photographs to the Communications team at
[email protected].
If you find that you are struggling and need confidential support, please email me at
[email protected] we are here to support you.
Occasional badges, the responsibility of approving occasional badges has been delegated to me by the County Commissioner, we will endeavor to approve as many as we can, but please be aware that not all badges will be approved, please follow the process as laid out below.
• Send your badge design to me before you have any badges made
• All badges to include the Scout logo and what the badge is for.
• We may ask you to amend your badge before being approved.
As a county we are looking at ways we can communicate across Hampshire better and the first step is to combine the Communications and Digital team, under Sam Poole. Sam and his new team have been set some challenges to make this happen, so please bear with us, we will get there
This is me, please make yourself known to me, but please do not be offended if I do not remember your name straight away, the County team are here to support you in your role and to have fun.